Byron Parks & Trails Master Plan
Byron Township
Inflow and Infiltration Investigation
Gaines Charter Township
Jamestown / Georgetown Meter Station – 22nd Ave Flume
Jamestown Charter Township
68th Street Watermain Interconnects
Byron Township
GPS Utility Pickup
Byron Township
Clyde Park Sanitary Sewer Improvements
Byron Township
2011 Reliability Study
Byron Gaines Utility Authority
Landfill Flume Meter Repair
Byron Township
Water and Sewer System Values Calculations
Byron Township
Water and Sewer System Values Calculations
Gaines Charter Township
Lotus Street Pump Station Reconstruction Study
Jamestown Charter Township
Quincy Street Forcemain Relocaton
Jamestown Charter Township
Cutler Park Wellness Improvements Grant Site Plan
Byron Township
Township Offices Parking Lot Improvements
Byron Township
Winchester Cemetery Drive Improvements
Byron Township
Utility Map and Water and Sewer System Evaluation for Master Plan Update
Jamestown Charter Township
AIS Drive Area Stormwater Study
City of Wyoming
Burlingame – 60th Street Meter Station Mag Meter Replacement
Byron Gaines Utility Authority
Winchester Cemetery Mapping
Byron Township
68th Street Sidewalk Creekside Park to Kalamazoo Avenue
Gaines Charter Township
Zutphen – 40th and Riley – Sanitary Sewer Service Feasibility Study
Jamestown Charter Township
Blain Cemetery Site Expansion Layout
Gaines Charter Township
Water Storage Tank Inspections
Byron Gaines Utility Authority
Sewer Rate Adjustments – Review
Charter Township of Caledonia
Hanna Lake Sidewalk 68th to M-6
Gaines Charter Township
Cemetery GIS
Charter Township of Caledonia
84th – Burlingame – Byron Center Avenue Sidewalks
Byron Township
Utility Mapping -Sanitary Sewer
Charter Township of Caledonia
76th Street Sanitary Sewer
Byron Township
Northwest Byron Water System Connection
Byron Township
Campau Lake Drive Sewer
Charter Township of Caledonia
Byron Center Ave Sidewalk – 68th St to 76th St
Byron Township
Bicentennial Park Improvements
Byron Township
Spring Grove Sanitary Sewer
Jamestown Charter Township
Cemetery Paving
Charter Township of Caledonia
Byron Township
Kentwood MHP – Water Connection
RV Horizons, Inc
Water and Sewer Ordinance Update
Jamestown Charter Township
S2 Grant Application – Spring Grove Saintary Sewer and Pump Station
Jamestown Charter Township
Centenial Park Pump Station Upgrades
SAW Application
Charter Township of Caledonia
Sampling Maps
Infrastructure Alternatives
2013 Pavement Rehabilitation
City of Kentwood
Underground Pipeline Survey and Site
Plains LPG
SRF Project Plan
Jamestown Charter Township
Sump Pump Disconnects
Charter Township of Caledonia
Thornapple Township
Duncan Lake Sewer Authority – WWTP modifications
68th and Patterson Sanitary Sewer
Charter Township of Caledonia
SAW Grant Application
Jamestown Charter Township
H2S Monitoring
Charter Township of Caledonia
WWTP Permit Renewal
Charter Township of Caledonia
Northwest Byron Sanitary Pump Station
Byron Township
Caledonia-Gaines Sewer Connector
Charter Township of Caledonia
Caledonia Sewer Flow Monitoring
Charter Township of Caledonia
Driveway Drainage Improvements / Storage Building Expansion
Byron Gaines Utility Authority
84th Street Sidewalks
Byron Township
Caledonia – Sanitary Sewer GIS
Charter Township of Caledonia
NW Byron Sanitary Sewer Collection
Byron Township
Whistlestop Park Drive Extension
Byron Township
76th Street Watermain to Cherry Valley Woods
Charter Township of Caledonia
Northwest Byron Forcemain – Pump Station to Canal
Byron Township
68th Street Watemain Road Improvement Impacts, Plaza Center to Plaster Ck
Gaines Charter Township
Buck Creek Road Stream Crossing Inventory
Byron Township
Northwest Byron 64th Street Wilson Avenue Watermain
Byron Township
Brewer Park Sanitary Sewer Extension
Gaines Charter Township
Cutler Park Wellness Improvements 2015
Byron Township
Preservation Lakes Pump Station
Gaines Charter Township
Shady Shores Utility Master Plan
Shady Shores Association
Fire Department Hydrant Maps
Charter Township of Caledonia
Kenowa Trail
Georgetown Charter Township
Record Plan Index Update
Jamestown Charter Township
Capacity Need Study
Charter Township of Caledonia
Northwest Sewer District Expansion
Charter Township of Caledonia
Zoning Master Plan Update
Byron Township
Northwest Byron Watermain Extended District
Byron Township
Rate Study
Byron Township
Rate Study
Gaines Charter Township
Greenly Street Forcemain
Jamestown Charter Township
SAW Administration
Charter Township of Caledonia
Whistlestop Park Drive Extension
Byron Township
Spring Grove Pump Station
Jamestown Charter Township
Village WWTP Planning
Charter Township of Caledonia
Water System Reliability Study
Jamestown Charter Township
Water System Master Plan
Jamestown Charter Township
Water Pumping Station Improvements
Jamestown Charter Township
Drainage Improvements
Kent Intermediate School District
Cory Bishop Drain
Office of the Ottawa County Water Resources Commissioner
H2S Remediation in Northwest Sewer District
Charter Township of Caledonia
84th St. Sanitary Sewer and Sidewalk East of Chesterton St.
Byron Township
LaBarge Dam Parking Area
Charter Township of Caledonia
Hanna Lake Watermain – Glen Creek to Harmon Farms
Gaines Charter Township
SAW Administration
Jamestown Charter Township
Knapp driveway
Kent Intermediate School District
60th Street Watermain
Charter Township of Caledonia
Stevens Point Trail
Gaines Charter Township
Charter Township of Caledonia
Sidewalk Map
Byron Township
Hanna Lake Trails
Gaines Charter Township
Kalamazoo Avenue Reconstruction – 84th St to 76th St
Gaines Charter Township
Water Supply Study
Charter Township of Caledonia
84th Street Watermain
Gaines Charter Township
92nd Street Wetlands
Byron Township
2017 Reliability Study
Byron Gaines Utility Authority
Byron Center Ave Sewer Replacement – 82nd to 84th St
Byron Township
Asset Management – Water System
Gaines Charter Township
Asset Management – Sanitary Sewer System
Gaines Charter Township
Asset Management – Water System
Byron Township
Asset Management – Sanitary Sewer System
Byron Township
Winchester Cemetery Grave Staking
Byron Township
Kentwood MHP – Water Connection
RV Horizons, Inc
Water and Sewer Ordinance Update
Jamestown Charter Township

Contact: Nate Vriesman, P.E.
(616) 277-2185
- Nate has worked with many governmental entities including: Byron Township, Gaines Charter Township, the Byron-Gaines Utility Authority, The Charter Township of Caledonia, Jamestown Township, Kent Intermediate School District, Thornapple Township, Georgetown Charter Township, the City of Wyoming, the City of Kentwood, Byron Center Public Schools, Cascade Charter Township, the City of Hudsonville, the Kent County Road Commission, the Kent County Department of Public Works, the Kent County Drain Commission, the Ottawa County Road Commission, the Ottawa County Drain Commission, the Michigan Department of Transportation, and the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes & Energy.
- Utility and park master planning, administration and financing of utility systems, intermunicipal agreements, specification and ordinance development, records management.
- Designed and inspected, park improvements, 6” to 54” gravity sanitary sewer lines, 2” to 30” sanitary forcemains, multiple sanitary pump stations (largest was 7.4 mgd with expansion capabilities to 14 mgd), 6” to 36” watermains, elevated and ground storage tanks, water booster stations, storm sewer systems, streets, miles of non-motorized path and sidewalk, residential developments, and commercial developments.